Paintings in Oils by Roos Schuring.
Plein air painting, Images & Videos, Enjoy!
Here it's an overcast day, clear to see because of the natural colors.
I love this spot and finding my dear cows here again...
The best painting sessions you’ll have when you pass by something SO BEAUTIFUL you just can’t wait painting...
We went to the east of Holland, there you have 'ridges' of higher trees, part pine forests, creating a far different...
This came up lately. So I'll write a little side-note first and then go back to this painting.
I think it's...
Returning to the same place as the previous, I found the magic again in painting the shadow effects.
Cows in shadow. Cows...
We went chasing cows closer to home and found this spot.
Having fun again with trees, overhanging the scene. Nice to create...
There are 2 situations most most beautiful (in my opinion) when painting cows: 1) the early morning 2) late afternoon.
At those...
I often drive around to find a spot that fascinates. Sometimes it takes a long time searching. But after a long...
When you create a 'project' for yourself, it's easier to go out, and be motivated to paint 'Rain or Shine', thus...
It's good to see how a project that you set for yourself -or that is externally pushing you- delivers. Because it pushes you...
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